On Saturday November 30, 2019, UCR student Marc Schenkenburg van Mierop was awarded the bi-annual Roggeveen prize for the best (under)graduate research paper on the history of Zeeland, for his research paper on Anne Sabbinge, a woman accused of a being a follower of Hattemism, a radical religious movement suspected of Cartesianism and Spinozism which spread like wildfire in early eighteenth century Zeeland (in the context of the so-called Radical Enlightenment).

UCR alumnus Koen van der Blij received an honourable mention for his senior project paper on early modern accounting and the problem of assessing the profitability of eighteenth-century slave-trading companies such as the Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie. Also nominated and praised by the Roggeveen jury was the individual research paper by UCR alumna Eva Langerak on the memory of the international avant-garde arts festival Forum, which was held in Middelburg in the 1970s and 80s.

Jeroen Lesuis, alumnus of Utrecht University, was awarded the Roggeveen prize for the best Master Thesis. Read more here (in Dutch).