My name is Maxime Inigo-Jones and I am nineteen years old. I come from Switzerland but originally my mum is Dutch and my father is British, however, being raised in Switzerland makes me trilingual. University College Roosevelt was my first choice of higher education due to its fascinating Arts and Humanities track, in which antiquity caught my interest at most. We never studied Greek Mythology or Classics in high school, so being here is a true privilege, and I thoroughly like studying these subjects. Aside from Antiquity, I enjoy Literature and Rhetorics, and who knows, maybe I’ll do a 300 track in one of them as well. In any case, my ultimate ambition is to pursue a Master’s degree in journalism or creative writing at Utrecht University or Leiden University. These two colleges, like Middelburg, are highly picturesque and historically significant, which I particularly admire. As mentioned, studying in Middelburg is very convenient as we have public transport, live near the beach and yet it is still cosy enough to make it feel like a true home. So far I’ve enjoyed living here very much and grow fond of the city every day!