Contact details Tel: +31 (0)118 655 500
Anne 1.03

About me

I have been Technical Support Officer for Engineering since summer 2019. I am overseeing the lovely and staggering Engineering Labs in Anne. It makes me responsible for machines, equipment and tools, including ordering materials needed in the labs. This is all for the students of UCR, whether they are working on individual or group projects for classes, or for projects of their own, such as internships and their Senior Project. I am also teaching at Technical College Curio in the city of Bergen op Zoom as a “Docent Werktuigbouwkunde”, which mainly involves projects in metalwork.

At UCR I am happy that I can combine research and working with multi-material-projects in plastic, wood and metalwork; powered and sensed with help from my colleague Collin. It’s very motivating to teach and work with young people interested in all kinds of technical projects. Multidisciplinary projects of the technical kind are my specialty, which helped me transform Anne from an office building to the student-friendly place it is now.

Before I worked at UCR, I worked at an Engineering Company specializing in food-factory projects; as a project engineer and project leader. In building and utility and lay-out optimalisation. I live in Zeeland, I am married, father of two daughters and grandad of two grandchildren.