About me
I was born in Austria and studied Technical Physics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. I did my Ph.D. in optoelectronics on Erbium doped Silicon LEDs. After PostDoc positions at the Tyndall National Institute in Cork, Ireland, where I worked on photonic chrystals, I came to the UK and worked on 3rd generation solar cells (Heriot-Watt university) and Nano-structures for biomedical applications (Glasgow University). I became Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland) in 2012, before moving to UCR’s new engineering team in 2019. My main interests is in Energy in all its forms, but specifically in the form of solar cells, Renewable Electricity Generation, Energy Systems, Demand Management and Energy Storage. I have taught about Energy on undergraduate and post-graduate level and am currently teaching the project course on Energy Transitions. I am very excited about helping to build up the new engineering department at UCR.